Since the beginning of the project, the partners will collaborate constantly to:
–monitor the budget;
–resolve any disputes between project participants;
-maintain the project strategy and targeted activity plans;
–monitor the effectivenessof the core activities (WP4).
-To identify the sarting point of the phenomenon
-to study the state of the art of the following macroareas: adult education, skills certification, digitization, current information and communication technologies;
-to capture the current situaion in the countries involved in the project (Italy, Romania, Pland)
-to identify the level of development achieve by national methods, tools and regulations,
-to carry out an in-depth analysis, bringing out the highlights of the phenomenon and issues,
–analytical report of each macro area for each partner country,
–comon and shared report and with he help of swot analysis define the strenghts, to be adopted, opportunities and threats of the predetermind strenghts and threats of the predetermined goals.
– Assesment of the need and requirement identified in WP 2,
–identify the technology, methodology an instrumention most suitable to meet these needs,
–design and create an innovative model of training , orientation and retraining of adults and of formal, non-formal and informal skills,
-design and develop the new requalification path, called e-welbeing path,
–create and implement toolkits to support training, orientation and retraining activities,
-study, design and implement a digital counselor with artificial intelligence that support users within the platfotm
-study the blockchain technology for the creation of formal, non-formal and informal skills
-design and develop a system for the certification of these skills with blockchain technology.
-To bring innovation to the current dynamics of adult education and lifelong learning,
–involve adults, specially from disadvantaged groups,
–create redevelopment paths, improve accessibility and increase the spreas of the adult education,
–improve quality assurance in adult education,
–test the tools developed to increaase all types of adult skills,
-promote the concept of lifelong learning among adults,
–certify the skills acquired,
-develop future-oriented learning centers.
-Ensure that there is a spirit of constant sharing
-add complementary value to the partnership
–enhance the information on the results and activities of the project at both national and community level from the beginning of the project and during its implementation,
-create a precise and timely strategy for disseminating the project results,
-define the steps to feed the sustainability of the project results,
-produce articles for the scientific and web dissemination of project innovations,
–organize seminars, workshop and multiplier events,
–use existing networks of project partners,
–ensure free acces to the smart platform,
-actively involve primary and secondary stakeholders via the project website and social page,
-identify the potential actors and stackeholders of the project to evaluate the impact of the results implemented for the next 3-5 years and the potential risks.