The project is organized into specific objectives that can be divided into short, medium and long term.
The first step consists in acquiring information on adult education, skills certification, digitization, and current information and communication technologies. Thanks to the research, it is possible to take a snapshot of the current situation and good practices in the countries involved in the project (Italy, Romania, and Poland) and make proposals for improved implementation.
to provide a system that responds to training needs, promoting the development of adult’s digital and technological skills.
The idea is to create training events at the local level to make people feel like a founding element of the community and create an e-SF dossier.
to organize seminars on office automation, digitization and cybersecurity to improve the quality of training for all local stakeholders and promote social inclusion.
to create a territorial network of active citizenship to counter social exclusion and improve the quality of training of all actors and strenghten the competitivennes of the social fabric.
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